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Success Stories

Adding value to others' lives

Over the years, we have assisted thousands of families. Here are some customer success stories.

Image by Tyler Nix

Maldonado Family, San Diego, CA

C. Maldonado has been thinking about starting his own business becoming self- employed. His biggest concern was his family's health insurance and retirement needs. Both he and his wife are diabetic, and they have two minor children. Their concern was if they could afford the high cost of health insurance in the individual health insurance market. They shopped around, and the least expensive option was going to be $980 / month with a $9,000 deductible.

His uncle referred him to me as I helped his uncle's family with health insurance. After reviewing C. Maldonado's situation, I determined they needed a plan that covered pre-existing conditions due to them being diabetic. I spoke with his CPA to assess his income situation as self-employed. After identifying his income estimates, I determined his best course of action would be a plan under Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), run by Covered California (CA state exchange).

I was able to find him a Silver PPO plan (ACA) with Blue Shield of CA for under $400/month with dental and vision coverage for all 4. This plan included all their providers (primary care provider, pediatrician, ONGYN, dermatologist.) in-network. Since the plan is a PPO plan, it also covers providers out of network as well. I also assisted C. Maldonado with Health Savings Account to save even more money on his taxes; I looked at all the gaps in his/her insurance and other coverage.

As a Certified Financial Advisor, I determined aside from their health insurance they have gaps in Life Insurance, Retirement Savings, College Savings, disability
and longterm care coverage gaps.

The total solutions were for the Maldonado family was: Health Insurance: Covered California affordable silver PPO health insurance plan with Health Savings Account for $398/month for all four.

Life Insurance: 2 term life insurance policy for $250K each for $79/ month with an A+ rated insurance company.

Mortgage Protection Insurance: A mortgage protection insurance policy for $350K (mortgage balance) for $45/ month. This policy will pay off their mortgage if C. Maldonado passes away and become disabled and can't work.

Debt Free Program: I used this cash accumulation strategy to pay off all their debts (mortgage, student loan, auto loans) in under 10 years. The cash accumulation will provide them with $1.1M CASH at retirement (age 65) tax-free.
Added rider for disability and long-term care.

Guaranteed Secured Income Annuity: I utilized this tax-advantageous retirement
savings strategy to build up their retirement income. They are targeted to get
$2800 / monthly lifetime income at retirement.

College Savings Annuity: We determined their children's education requirement.
and funded an education annuity for $150K for each child.

At HealthCare Affairs, we look at your whole situation and provide solutions for
your entire financial health.

Montoya Family, Denver, Colorado

MR & Mrs. Montoya (husband and wife) were turning 65 (2 months apart). They were concerned about their Health Insurance (Medicare) and retirement. Being so close to retirement, they couldn't afford the market volatility and needed a
secured guaranteed retirement income solution. After conducting a complete
financial analysis, I offered a comprehensive solution to their needs. For the
Montoya family, the answer was as follows:

Medicare Insurance: I found the AARP United Healthcare Medicare Supplement
Insurance for under $140/ month with Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D) $26/

401K Conversion to Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity: After conducting financial
analysis, we decided to convert 48% of their 401k and IRA to secured guaranteed
income annuity. I searched for the best annuity rates for 2021. Each of them will
receive $4800 / month for the rest of their life in addition to social security


Estate Planning: We ensured wealth transfer to their beneficiaries leaving a
family legacy with our estate planning service.

J. Townsend – Colorado Springs, Colorado

J. Townsend is a 68-year-old senior, and his only source of income is his social
security benefits. He is on Medicare and had a Medicare Supplement Plan and
Prescription Drug Plan with Aetna for $378/month. He gets $920/ a month from
Social Security (after $145 deduction for part B). Needless to say, he couldn't
afford the Medicare supplement plan.

After reviewing his situation, I assisted him with Medicaid through Health First
Colorado. During the application, I also helped him obtain food (SNAP), utility,
rent, and other assistance available through Colorado. At this point, his best
option was to enroll in a DSNP (Dural Special Needs Plan) Medicare plan. DSNP
plans are designed for seniors who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid with
extra help. DSNP plans are Medicare Advantage plans with a $0 premium.

He was able to save $523 a month. For someone on a fixed income, its' a lot of money. He was able to get the quality care he needs.

Wedge Family, Sarasota, FL

Mr. and Mrs. Wedge are almost ten years away from turning 65. However, they have debts and unsure about retirement. Their debt obligations include auto, mortgage, and credit card debts totaling $385K.

After reviewing their situation, I came up with the following solution.

Debt Free Program: I assisted him in enrolling in our debt-free income. Under this program using insurance agreements, they are due to become completely Debt Free in under nine years without spending any more money. The program uses the high cash value portion of the insurance agreement to pay off debts faster, saving them tens of thousands in interest, and they are at target to having an additional $48K for retirement.

Guaranteed Income Index Annuity: because of their age and low-risk tolerance, they needed to lower their market volatility exposure. After a comprehensive financial analysis, we determined to convert 25% of their retirement to Index Annuity that guarantees minimum return and catches the upside return if the market index performs better than the guaranteed rate.

Mr. R Sanchez, Alpharetta, GA

Mr. Sanchez is 72-year-old and on a limited income. He gets about 900 from social security and about $350 from a pension. Needless to say, money is tight. Mr. Sanchez was worried about his funeral costs as his brother, who was 76, recently passes away, and he didn't have any life insurance to pay for his funeral. So, the family had to step up and help.

With that information, I went to work. I was able to find him a guaranteed issue whole life policy (final expense) for $53/month for $15K coverage.

Phillips Family – Las Vegas, NV

I have been the health insurance broker for the Phillips family for over 5 years. Mrs. Phillips called me to inform me that her husband recently lost his job, and
she wanted to get life insurance for him as he lost his life insurance coverage through his job.

Mr. Phillips is the primary bread earner in the family. After doing a financial needs analysis, we determined that a $750K policy should be sufficient. After shopping for the best rate and term for his term life policy, I was able to get him a 20-year term life policy with a $750K policy for under $70/ month. I did my due diligence to add a living benefit rider to his policy. Living Benefit rider allows policy to pay out if the insured becomes terminally ill.

Almost 1 year later, Mrs. Phillips informed me that her husband had been diagnosed with leukemia and was given 5 years of life expectancy. I told her about the Living Benefit rider and started the paperwork for them. With the life insurance money, the Phillips family was able to take a last nice vacation with all the family members. The money sure did help during this hard time.

Trujillo Family Aurora, CO

Ms. S. Trujillo is a recent widow and she was worried about her family’s (2 kids) financial well being. As one can imagine, the stress and uncertainty it causes when the primary bread earner unexpectedly passes away. Ms. Trujillo received $500K from her husband's life insurance. She reached out to me (she found my website on Google).
After doing a comprehensive evaluation of her finances I offered the following

Pay off Mortgage: They had about $175K left on the mortgage. We used the life insurance money to pay off the mortgage.

Life Insurance: I helped her obtain a $500K term life policy for under $40/ month.

College Savings: I set her up with Annuity College Savings plans for both of her kids. She is initially investing $15K for each child and will be putting in $150/ month (each). Each child is expected to have about $45K saved up for college. Since this is an Annuity plan, the money is tax advantageous and can be pulled out if the child decided not go to college and use it for other purposes.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance: we decided to put $100K in indexed universal life insurance that is tax advantageous guaranteed retirement investment with  long-term care and disability riders. This investment is guaranteed to accumulate to $1.08M at her age 65.

The highlights if Indexed Universal Life (IUL) are as follows:


  • Indexed universal life (IUL) insurance lets the policyholder decide how much cash value to assign to either a fixed account or an equity-indexed account.

  •  IUL insurance policies offer a number of well-known indexes, such as the S&P 500 or the Nasdaq-100.

  •  IUL insurance policies offer the possibility of cash accumulation while still providing a death benefit.

    Indexed Annuity: We decided to open up a lifetime guaranteed annuity with $150K. This will provide her with $3000 (minimum) per month at age 65 till her death.

    Social Security: She will be getting $2800 from social security per month.

    She decided to go back to work part-time basis for extra money and savings.

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