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Tax-Free Guaranteed Predictable Rate of Return!

When it comes to investment & savings, there are millions of products out there. Here at HealthCare Affairs, we specialize in secured insurance-based investment products that offer a guaranteed return. 

Our insurance-based Investment & Savings products offer a guaranteed rate of return, so you're protected from financial downturns (i.e., Wall St. recession, war, etc.) while earning a rate of return 5x-10x times higher than bank CD products. In addition, these products offer Tax-free growth and distributions*.

Product Options:

Indexed Universal Life (IUL)
Infinite Banking with Whole Life Insurance
Income Annuities
Annuity CDs

Indexed Universal Life insurance offers long-term death benefit coverage that credits interest based on the performance of a market index. It also provides many additional benefits:

Men with Calculator

Tax Advantages

Trading Graphs on Computer Monitor

Cash Value Growth

Entering credit card details

Flexible-Premium Payments

Tax Advantages

Like all life insurance, your beneficiaries will receive the death benefit typically free of federal income tax, and growth within the policy is tax deferred.

Cash Value Growth

You also have the potential to build cash value ("living benefits") with a portion of your monthly premiums earning interest based on either a fixed rate or on the performance of the indexed accounts.

Flexible-Premium Payment

You decide when (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually) and how much to pay (provided you meet certain minimums).

How Do Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) Policies Work?

One of the benefits of this type of policy, in addition to the death benefit, is its potential to build cash value. You can take cash value from your policy to use for anything you choose via policy loans and withdrawals.1 Interest is credited based on a fixed rate or how indexed accounts perform. While not directly invested in the stock market, the interest credited to an indexed account is based on the index's performance.
Each indexed account includes a minimum crediting rate of 0% (the floor) that protects you from market-based loss; it may also include a maximum crediting rate that would limit growth (the cap).

Living Benefits for Indexed Universal Life (IUL):

If you're looking to customize your policy to fit your needs better, Indexed Universal Life (IUL) Policies offer these optional features: *


  • Living Needs Benefit can provide living benefits if you become terminally or chronically ill.

  • Enhanced Disability Benefits help protect your policy from lapsing if you become disabled.

  • Accidental Death Benefit Rider provides an additional death benefit to your family if you die by accident.

  • Overload Protection Rider allows you to avoid a lapse in coverage if you take substantial loans from your policy.

  • Enhanced Cash Value Rider offers higher cash surrender values if you need to give up your policy in the early years. (Primarily for business owners.)

  • Children Level Term Rider adds life insurance coverage for your minor children.

  • Survivorship Benefit Access accelerates the death benefit for a terminal or chronic illness.

  • Guaranteed Policy Split provides the option to split the policy into two individual policies in the event of divorce or if the unlimited marital deduction is repealed.

  • Estate Protection ensures your estate tax liabilities are taken care of if the unexpected happens.

*Plan features vary by product type. Speak with a licensed agent for details at 1 (720) 7444-0065


IULs may not be the right solution for you like any other financial product. However, licensed agents (we) have a fiduciary duty when selling these products. So, we take the time to understand your situation and goals and offer products accordingly. We'll steer you away from high/hidden fee product traps. If we don't have the right products, we'll be happy to point you in the right direction. 

Infinite Banking with Whole Life Insurance:

Financial institutions are there to make money for them, not you. You can beat the system with the Infinite Banking Concept and become your bank. This strategy leverages a whole life policy as your "personal bank." This includes taking loans against the policy and growing cash flow through the insurance's dividends. You can use this system to finance purchases like vehicles, pay down payments on a house or investment property, pay for children's education, and much more. The objective is to be completely debt-free and build wealth fast. 

The whole life insurance is the driver for infinite banking to imitate the banking concept of using own money. Whole life insurance policies must arrange a cash profit for policyholders. Although there are other types of permanent life insurance, whole life insurance policies guarantee the same premium for the entire policy period. And the many creative ways one can utilize this liquid cash value, such as:


  • Creating one's own tax-free lending system to finance large purchases (i.e., a car or a home), independently of commercial banks and lenders

  • Generating personal wealth (as with stocks or cryptocurrencies, but without the volatility and with the added utility of protection for one's beneficiaries)

  • Using for business financing.


Let's see step by step when infinite banking starts:


  1. With every premium payment you make, one chunk goes directly to savings.

  2. After every payment, your cash value compiles a taxed-free rate.

  3. You can use the collection of cash values for whatever your needs are – from paying off your policy loans to investing in other vehicles.


This step is the starting point for the infinite banking system. You are not purchasing this policy for the death benefit but for the cash value accumulation and obtaining loans against it. 


For example, if you borrowed $25,000 from your policy to finance a new car purchase, you would then decide on a repayment plan. Perhaps you choose to pay yourself back over five years at a 5% interest rate.

So, your payment would be $472 a month. Over the 5 years, your total payments would be $28,307. You have now recaptured your own interest, but as the bank, of $3,307 over the 5 years.

But here is the kicker, not only did you capture the interest, but your cash value in your policy is still growing via compound interest simultaneously. So, you are essentially making your money work for you in two places simultaneously.


Caution: There are many so-called "gurus" who promote this concept. You probably have seen them on Tik Tok and other social media platforms. However, most push products with ridiculous fees are often hidden and undisclosed. The more fee-heavy product they can sell, the higher commission they will receive. We, on the other hand, don't operate that way. We have a fiduciary duty to look out for your best interest. That's why we shop to find you the right product. And for some reason, if we don't have the right product, we'll gladly point you in the right direction. 

Income Annuities:

Looking For a Source of Guaranteed Lifetime Income in Retirement?

Retirement Income Annuities Can Help Meet the Challenge.

Retirement savings are vulnerable to several risks: Market volatility could lower your investments' value, inflation could put a dent in your purchasing power over time, and other issues could make it harder to handle retirement income withdrawals, and living longer than expected means you outlast your retirement accounts. However, annuities, a type of retirement investment that can provide guaranteed income for life, can help with all those risks.


What is Lifetime Income?


When we talk about lifetime income, we refer to retirement payments that can help cover essential living expenses.

Just as you may have built a diversified savings plan for retirement, you can apply the same strategy to pay yourself in retirement. Diversifying your income sources can provide guaranteed lifetime income and income growth potential.

Retirement Income Sources:


Below Are Three Common Strategies:


  1. Social Security, the federal government's retirement benefit, can provide a portion of your income. To maximize your monthly payments, consider waiting to claim your benefits at least until your full retirement age. If you are married, explore your options together to make the most of spousal benefits.

  2. Traditional Defined Benefit (DB) Plans provided by employers—also known as pensions—can go a long way, but they are becoming a thing of the past. The percentage of workers in the private sector whose only retirement account is a defined benefit pension plan is now 4%, down from 60% in the early 1980s. About 14% of companies offer a combination of both types.

  3. Annuities are insurance products designed for retirement and other long-term goals. They can help bridge the income gap required for you to retire comfortably.


We shop hundreds of income annuities to find you the best option based on your retirement needs.

Annuity CDs:

Earn The Highest Interest Rates on Savings Today!

Fixed annuities are almost identical to Certificates of Deposit (CDs) accounts and provide higher interest rates and penalty-free withdrawals for income. So why settle for less than 1% on your money when you can earn 3%+ and liquidity?

Fixed Annuity CDs can offer a better return rate than bank CDs if you need to park your money on a short-term basis (under 7 years).

Current (2022) Fixed Annuity CD Rates (average):

2-Year Annuity Rate: 3.5%
3-Year Annuity Rate: 3.9%
4-Year Annuity Rate: 4.10%
5-Year Annuity Rate: 4.40%
6-Year Annuity Rate: 4.40%
7-Year Annuity Rate: 4.60%


We shop hundreds of Fixed Annuity CDs to find the best option based on your financial needs.



We offer insurance-based retirement, investment, and savings products in Colorado (all counties) and other states. Product availability, qualification, requirements, and restrictions apply. Some product distributions are tax-free, and some are tax-differed. Please speak with an agent for more information at 1 (720) 744-0065. We do not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice.

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