Affordable Individual and Family Health Insurance!
Plans Start at $20 / Month.
Having the Right Health Insurance is Key to Quality Healthcare and Preventing Financial Disasters; It’s Attainable Through Our Expertly Recommended Affordable Health Insurance Plans.
Based on your needs and budget, We Shop All Available Options (Including ACA & Non- ACA Plans) to Find You, The Right Coverage at the Right Price.
The Law Fixes Insurance Rates: You WILL NOT Find a Better Price Elsewhere. Our Services Are Completely Free.
We Shop, Saving You Time and Money.
We Make Obtaining Quality Healthcare Coverage Easy!
134 + Carriers with Over 14,000 Plans!
Individual & Family Health Insurance Options:
Affordable Care Act (ACA):
Most Major Medical Health Insurance falls under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Highlights of ACA plans are as follows:
- Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions
- Preventative Health Services
- Mental & Substance Abuse Coverage
- No limitation for Maximum Lifetime Benefit
- Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) Based on Income
- Emergency Services
- Pregnancy, Maternity, and Newborn Care
- Other
We offer Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans nationally and in the local Colorado Market. We are an authorized broker with Connect for Health Colorado and Covered California State Exchanges.
Non-ACA Plans:
All other plans that are outside of ACA/Marketplace are Non-ACA Plans. They Include:
- Short -Term Medical Plans
- Medical Indemnity & Defined Benefit Plans
- Health-Share Ministry Plans
Short-Term Medical Plans
These plans are an inexpensive way to obtain healthcare coverage. They offer a national PPO Network. They range from 1 month to 13-month coverage. Unfortunately, these plans are not available in all states.
Short-Term plans typically don’t cover pre-existing conditions or have a 12-month waiting period. So if you are in excellent health without any history of pre-existing conditions, Short-Term Health Plans might be the way to go.
Medical Indemnity & Defined Benefit Plans
These plans offer fixed-dollar benefits for medical services used. They offer a nationwide PPO network and an inexpensive way to obtain healthcare coverage.
For example, in-network renegotiated primacy care doctor visits cost $150. So let’s assume the plan pays $100 and you’re responsible for the remainder of $50.
Health-Share Ministry Plans
Health-share plans are cooperatives – often faith-based – with members agreeing to cover a particular portion of each other’s medical costs. They are NOT insurance. They do offer In-Network and Out of Network benefits. Not all Health-Share are the same. Some are more restricted than others.
Highlights of Health-Share Ministry Plans:
- Affordable alternative to traditional health insurance.
-They have a waiting period, and some don’t cover pre-existing conditions.
- Enrollment is not guaranteed as they do have some basic underwriting requirements.
- They don’t cover everything. So, for example, tobacco-related illness, mental health, substance abuse, and other services are not covered.
We offer a wide range of Health-Share Ministry plans. These plans
aren’t for everyone. Speak with an agent for an evaluation.
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Disclaimer: Plan requirements, qualifications, restrictions, and availability apply. Please speak with a licensed agent for details. Call Us at (720) 744-0065. We offer individual and family health insurance in the local Colorado market (all counties) and other states.